Monday, July 4, 2011

a ferst after a long while

gee... i cant remember the last time i act blog and pen all my thoughts down.... its been such a long time since that happen ...... of course just before this, used to have at least a confindante .... a friend you can count on... but as usual.... u cant expect everyone to stick around when you've got nothing more to offer, eh???? dissapointment that percedes my 3every expectation..... feel lonely at times, lost for words, wanting more than companionship.... so u can feel like u ave a soul inside of you instead of being too caught up in routines.... too caught up with responbilities..... of course..its not fair that i complain too much when i pretty much have all that i wish and wanted so freely by my side... not fair to complain eh? but its strange when this heart seem so insatiable.... it seems so wrong when u want more when it feels like He has given you all He has... so i try to tell myself to look past all the insignificant wants that make your heart thirst for more happiness... when all u want and need is right infront of you.... a hubby who never fails to fulfill his duties and ensuring that he's there for you at every step of the way... a daughter that never fails to make u smile at least once everyday.... i breath and i tell myself to just let go..... let go of the yearning of something in your heart that you, yourself arent sure of ..... i pray to God, that he grants peace in my heart... in hope that i beccome a person who is thankful for all that He has given instead of kufur towards the rezeki and all nikmat He has bestowed upon me........ things on list to do: make a change in my life!